1968: Third, fourth and fifth Black students enter WUSM

The third, fourth and fifth Black medical students enter the School of Medicine. Patrick Obaiya transfers, Julian Mosley graduates in 1972 and Karen Scruggs graduates in 1973. 

“Statistics show that medical graduates tend to practice in the area in which they go to school and train. … I wanted to practice here because one of my major reasons for going into the medical profession is that I thought I could be of great service to the community in which I was raised.”

— Julian Mosley, MD, Outlook magazine, Fall 1977, on why he chose to train at Washington University


“All of our stereotypes ought to go out the window. All of us are individuals, and each person must decide for himself what things he is capable of doing and what is important to make his life whole, enjoyable and serviceable.”

— Karen Scruggs, MD


Washington University School of Medicine entering class of 1968Image: Washington University School of Medicine entering class of 1968