2009: Beloved Betty Robinson dies

Upon the death of Betty Robinson, for decades a beloved surgical technician in urology, Gerald Andriole, MD, urology division chief, praises her “true wisdom, a rare combination of experience, intelligence and humanity.” The Betty Robinson Urology Residency Education Fund is named for her today.

2003: Michael R. DeBaun, MD, MPH, receives $18.5 million grant

Michael R. DeBaun, MD, MPH, receives an $18.5 million grant — then the largest grant ever awarded to a pediatric faculty member at Washington University. With this funding, he heads an international, multicenter trial in sickle cell disease. In 2008, he becomes the Ferring Family Chair in Pediatric Cancer and Related Disorders. “Dr. DeBaun is […]

1996: Will Ross, MD, MPH, becomes associate dean for diversity

Nephrologist Will Ross, MD, MPH, becomes associate dean for diversity at the School of Medicine and establishes the Office of Diversity Programs. Later the Alumni Endowed Professor of Medicine, he institutes the Washington University Medical Plunge, a program for incoming medical students that includes a diversity retreat and visits to a health clinic for underserved […]

1993: Helen E. Nash, MD, retires

Helen E. Nash, MD

Helen E. Nash, MD, is revered for a decades-long career caring for generations of patients and advocating for the underserved. She retires as a Washington University emeritus professor in 1993 and serves as the school’s dean of minority affairs from 1994-1996. “She fought to get the best care for her patients — and for basic […]

1980: Animal facility renamed in honor of Henry L. Bramlette

Henry L. Bramlette pictured in Outlook magazine, Winter 1979

Henry L. Bramlette Animal Facilities: In 1948, Henry L. Bramlette, later known as “The Duke of McMillan,” came to work for the Department of Neurology and Neurological Surgery and became a well-respected animal handler and technician, helping hundreds of scientists complete complex projects. Upon his retirement in 1980, the animal facility was renamed in his […]