2021: Velma Hunt retires

Velma Hunt, a longtime Children’s Hospital employee, retires after more than 60 years of service as a patient liaison in the emergency room.  Image: Velma Hunt, right

1993: Helen E. Nash, MD, retires

Helen E. Nash, MD

Helen E. Nash, MD, is revered for a decades-long career caring for generations of patients and advocating for the underserved. She retires as a Washington University emeritus professor in 1993 and serves as the school’s dean of minority affairs from 1994-1996. “She fought to get the best care for her patients — and for basic […]

1923: Butler Ward opens

The Butler Ward opens at St. Louis Children’s Hospital in 1923 to serve Black children. It is in use until 1947, shortly after Children’s Hospital integrates. Image: In the Butler Ward, St. Louis Children’s Hospital

1989: Calvin Weaver wins meritorious award

Calvin Weaver, who would become operations manager for all three housekeeping shifts at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, wins Jewish Hospital’s meritorious award for his service. 

1980: Animal facility renamed in honor of Henry L. Bramlette

Henry L. Bramlette pictured in Outlook magazine, Winter 1979

Henry L. Bramlette Animal Facilities: In 1948, Henry L. Bramlette, later known as “The Duke of McMillan,” came to work for the Department of Neurology and Neurological Surgery and became a well-respected animal handler and technician, helping hundreds of scientists complete complex projects. Upon his retirement in 1980, the animal facility was renamed in his […]