1910: Flexner Report on Medical Education published

The Flexner Report on Medical Education scolds poorly run medical schools and leads to the closing of many. On Abraham Flexner’s recommendation, Meharry Medical College and Howard University College of Medicine are the only two historically Black medical schools that survive the initial wave of closings.

“[T]he physical well-being of the negro is not only of moment to the negro himself. Ten million of them live in close contact with sixty million whites. Not only does the negro himself suffer from hookworm and tuberculosis; he communicates them to his white neighbors. Precisely as the ignorant and unfortunate white contaminates him. … The negro must be educated not only for his sake but for ours. He is, as far as human eye can see, a permanent factor in the nation. He has his rights and due and value as an individual; but he has, besides, the tremendous importance that belongs to a potential source of infection and contagion.”

— Abraham Flexner, in The Flexner Report 

Image: Pages from the Flexner Report, 1910